Friday, August 16, 2013

Should artists write about their work?

Today,at a panel discussion " Words and Art", one of the questions raised was about artists writing about their work and why that category was still a rare breed. Instead, there are curators and art historians writing about them.

An interesting question- why do we as artists hesitate to write about our own work? Is the artist statement not enough? Or is there a fear that we may not find our work interesting or that if we demystify our processes completely, will that joy and passion disappear or dissipate? 

Its a valid issue. I remember a similar heated debate was going around about authors writing glowing reviews about their recently published novels. After all, in this age of social media, twitter, people have to compete to make sure that their works are visible as well. But it also involves the questions of ethics here. To write or not to write is a raging question. Yet,is that one reason why artists are hesitant to write about their work? Then what about artist statements? Is that also a compromise as well? Is there a need for the artist to explain the work? Today's audience is an intelligent and receptive one. They appreciate art better than they used to. Its because awareness has been been created; there are lectures and new research on them every other day. And who is doing all this work- the writers! 

Hence, in a way, the artist is not belittling himself by writing about the work as it helps the viewers to understand the thought processes better. Perhaps that day will come soon...

So many questions...few answers...I would love to know what others think about it...

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